domingo, 2 de junho de 2013

The great train robbery

Assisti ao filme de 1903 "O grande roubo do trem" e resolvi pegar alguns frames para dar a minha visão da coisa ;)

Podia falar um monte de coisas, mas vou poupar todo mundo, hehe. Em resumo eu tentei manter a composição principal e adicionar interesse lidando com a luz e adicionando alguns elementos em cena.

Ainda tem mais frames desse filme que eu quero trabalhar em cima.

Just watched the 1903 movie "The great train robbery"  the other day and as I enjoyed it I picked some frames to make a twist or something.

I'd have many things to talk about it, but I'll spare everyone, hehe. But to sum up I tried to keep the main compositions adding a little more interest by playing with light and adding some more elements on the scene.

I still have more frames on this movie I'd like to play around.

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